Imad Saleh Hussein
P.O Box2034 Birzeit University, Bizeit, Palestine Via Israel
Phone (0092) 059-366368/052-789908 Fax (0092) 2-2811271
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Objective: C.V

I am working with the British and Foreign Bible Society within the Project of Developing the Youth Resource in the Villages of Rammalh.
I did volantary work with a village councel in Yasouf.
I have worked as a volanteer in the PASS office ( Palesinian arab Studies )in BZU .
I have worked as Director of (Independent Youth union) Youth NOG since November,1999.My Responsibilities included the following: Coordinating public relations for the (IYU)learning program, its title is (Creating youth leaders). Writing  proposals and news releases. leading and Directing our branchs in Gaza strip and west bank.
I have been in Norway laste year (2003) I have met many leaders of local comunities and churches there  and gu ut sentrat (Go out senter).and I have some information about the Economy there inaddition to the cutoms habits and ........


 I got B.A in Economics from Birzeit University and I am looking to finish the Master degree in 2005 form the same universtiy

The address or Birzeit University as following:, West Bank, Palestine/ and I am studying in the graduate programe of Economics in the same university.

Fluant English and Arabic languages and some of Hebrow Language I have plan to learn more Hebrew; Computer skills (presentation programs,  Word,  internet, Email, excel, SPSS, E-view) and some Hardware skills.Developing Economic and Social policy Researchs .I passed tranning course of doing( Economic and Social Policy Research ) and I have A Deploma of that subject.
I have ability to travel around the world. fund raising


Labib Madanat the excutive manager of British Bible Soceity02-6284059, 058-972111 /Andrew Bush (bible society, Director of Birzeit branch), 022811355/022811271, Saleh Ra'fat, Director of FIDA party, Ramallah 022954072/3/4, D. Nebeel Zyadeh(Birzeit University), D. yousef Daoud,( Birzeit University)059-719394 , inaddition to Danish freinds Neils and Janatte ,Please ask me about their address
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